Seems that MaidPro in Raleigh is a poorly run division. They offered a GroupOn discount for a home cleaning, but then refuse to provide the service or even to allow for scheduling. When a purchaser of their GroupOn offer contacted them, he was told to call a "special" number to schedule those, but that number does not work, and return calls to the main number go unanswered and no call back.
Seems to me that if you sell a service, you should honor that sale. If not, it should be reported to the BBB, and have blog postings so people can evaluate them. Any company that plays ethics in this manner is not someone I would invite into my home when I am not there.
I've had maid services, been ripped off too, and that was from companies where I personally knew the franchise owners and trusted them completely. If the owners of MaidPro in Raleigh run a disreputable service, and practice avoidance of customer complaints, and do not honor their commitments, there is no way in hell I would ever trust them to enter my personal space.